Friday, December 28, 2012

Hello, this is personal ambition, an inspiration really of my own to promote the conservation and preservation  of large ungulate mammals world wide, and to defend the place where one of the most successful conservation efforts in history has been lead, my home state of Texas. For many decades a quiet revolution had been occurring, all be it almost completely decentralized, on the many scattered private ranches in my own back yard. There are over 100 species of exotic animals from all over the world on private ranches all across the state (some of which are threatened or endangered on their home ranges) and only a small number of there are hunted every year. The proceeds from hunting allows the ranchers to maintain their herds and their land. It is a beautiful example of how good intentions and practicality (profit) can work in unison to foster a benefit for everyone. I might add that all this has occurred almost entirely without the involvement of the government. Unfortunately the general public is slowly beginning to take notice now and outsiders are getting involved in what is occurring in our home. This is in fact one of my inspirations for beginning this blog. This will be a private citizen simply trying to set the record straight and to act as an advocate for the things I love, wildlife, nature, and hunting. Let me say that I have absolutely no financial interest in as much as I do not have or own any interest in a ranch, outfitting, or game operation of any kind. That will be obvious as this goes along because if I were a professional being hired to do this then I'm sure I would do a much better job. I have never created a blog before and I am simply winging it so to speak. I do not know where this will go or how it will take shape. I am a busy professional and have kids headed to college so I am short on time, as some of you can relate. So here goes, I'll be back soon,

Sincerely, st8sh00tr

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